Paper Review - Adversarial Attacks in Test Time Adaptation Methods
Review of the Paper: Uncovering Adversarial Risks of Test-Time Adaptation
Paper Link: arXiv:2301.12576
Review of the Paper: MedBN: Robust Test-Time Adaptation against Malicious Test Samples
Paper Link: arXiv:2403.19326
Review of the Paper: R.I.P. : A Simple Black-box Attack on Continual Test-time Adaptation
Paper Link: arXiv:2412.01154
I had the opportunity to present this paper in our CCDS Lab at IUB, which led to a thought-provoking discussion with lab members and my supervisors on the paper’s methodology and its implications in advancing distribution adjustment research. Below, I am sharing the presentation slides for those interested.
Presentation Slides: Link to slides
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